It is impossible to ignore the development of civilization, from technological progress, clinging to old and familiar methods. For this, he and progress, to help us develop, improve our capabilities. Undoubtedly, the world of technology, like everything created on Earth, has its pros and cons, but it is your task to use them for their intended purpose, and not become their slaves. On this page I will post my research related to the world of technology.
I can confidently say that he helps me more than ever in my work. It helps to convey this or that information faster and better, helps to create your own television, makes learning processes more effective, gives new ideas for implementation and so on.
Today, the world of science, the world of high technology, are hostages of devices, appliances, theories. Huge time and financial resources are being spent, and we are talking about decades and billions of dollars to create artificial intelligence, nano robots, putting an infinite number of costly experiments aimed at confirming certain theories, while a clairvoyant of a high level, and without experiment, can see this or that process. I’m not talking about pseudo-clairvoyants who are guided by intuition, imagination and so on, I’m talking about those who accurately see all processes on the subtle energy plane. Everything that a person does not try to come up with already exists at a high energy level, you only need to be able to get information. Of course, this kind of information is tightly controlled and not given to greedy people who pursue only the goal of profit. Whatever information they receive, and no matter what way, it will definitely lead to disappointment. Want to check it out?
One of the greatest misconceptions of mankind is that it is trying to explain the work of Divine structures with its signs. We talk about languages of communication and languages of science: mathematical equations, physical formulas and so on. And then even dumber - it’s with their own signs, such as programming languages, to make them work. It’s the same as to beat yourself on the head with a wrench and hope to know the essence of the liver. Is all the absurdity of this process not visible? Is it not obvious that it is impossible to describe processes in the Universe by a scanty amount of signs invented by man, it is impossible to know the particle of the One who created us. And certainly, only a person who is at a lower level of development, in spite of his status, prizes, grants, scientists or any other degrees, will think of subjugating this particle to himself and giving it his human name. Stop for a second and think again about the absurdity of this situation! ....... Have you thought about it? ...... But these are those who are at the helm of our development today. And I lead to the fact that you can move in the development of science and technology sequentially, receiving information from the source, not distorted by endless briefings, and the desire to prove their case. When the scientific world combines its efforts with the spiritual, it will understand how much you can learn and realize in a short moment of one life. Such secrets will be revealed to him, the existence of which he did not even suspect.
Perhaps in time, I will make small comments on various scientific discoveries, technical developments, or give short information about another “breakthrough theory”. Of course, I will not do this myself, but through revelations, with the help of those Entities who oversee a specific field of science. We are considering such an opportunity, I hope it will be funny, interesting and informative.
Virtual reality
We, with our team, are preparing new methods of visualized training based on the latest technologies, which will allow us to see the world of energies through the eyes of a clairvoyant. As experience and practice showed, many people find it difficult to visualize images - the imagination is closed. We are developing a method for visualizing objects in energy based on modern technologies. This will allow students to advance as quickly as possible to the world of energies, a world invisible to others. Understand the various forms, learn to interact with them interactively.
Great fashion, over the past couple of years, acquired the technology that creates virtual reality. It all started with Oculus, then Samsung, HTC and others connected. It was impossible not to see the potential of these technologies, it was only important to understand how virtual reality can help in the development of spiritual knowledge. We decided that training videos can be of great benefit,
in which the student, or just a person, will be able to see the processes occurring in the energy shells of people when they are exposed to various kinds of energies, as well as reactions to feelings, emotions, situations. Using glasses that allow you to see processes at 360 degrees of a spherical image, you can completely plunge into the world of clairvoyance without necessarily possessing such a gift. I work with artists and graphic artists who model certain metaphysical processes. This will be a breakthrough not only in the world of esotericism, but also will lay the foundation for a new vision and understanding of the world.
Another application of virtual reality is the creation of unique three-dimensional worlds in which a person can interactively change certain processes, influence energies, forms, thereby increasing their capabilities in practice. In this case, I'm talking about the possibilities of clairvoyance, understanding and planning processes associated with a particular area of healing. Thus, the imagination of artists and graphics will not only inspire or give aesthetic pleasure, but also contribute to the development of interest, the development of new tools. At the same time, such, at first glance, the technical work of programmers will become much more interesting, because they will create simulations not only of the processes of energy work, but also develop various scenarios of interactive behavior of objects, energies interacting with each other.
The advantage of virtual reality is that we can simulate processes and situations that, for one reason or another, are not possible in the real world. For example: we can easily move in space of time. We are not subject to the laws of gravity and can learn other sensations that are impossible in real life in the framework of the existing laws of physics. We can see energies that are not visible by the devices that exist today and with the help of certain tools to develop the imagination. A lot of people who have not studied creative professions, hard to perceive any methodology for visualization, meditation, the use of imaginative thinking. But without this, it is impossible to develop intuition or to see the deep processes taking place in the soul. Virtual simulators will be able to help solve these problems and make this process interesting and exciting.
Perhaps both virtual lectures and virtual seminars will gain popularity, which will give a sense of presence, a sense of the energy of the teacher or the person who is conducting this lecture or seminar - something that today's webinars are not able to convey. The better the information is delivered, the greater the impact it has, the greater the benefit it can bring.
Do not spare money, look for new forms, do not stand still and your business will develop, giving development to others. In today's world, there are opportunities for all people, both small and large. Believe my experience - money does not play such a paramount role as everyone ascribes it to them. Turn on your imagination and you will get hints, and you will find ways to implement any of your ideas. Just be consistent and hardworking!
The development of this technology over the past three years, and the amount of funds invested by companies in this area, suggests that in the near future virtual reality will become a full-fledged part of our lives. This technology is applicable in so many professional fields that it can become an impetus in the development of new human capabilities. Of course, as in any other business, there is a negative side. A large number of people can drown in a new reality, spending time on a war with zombies or on virtual communication with their friends or invented holographic images. Well, let them spend! As if today they don’t spend it on TV, computer or Facebook. It is important that there are people who are able to see new opportunities for development, not degradation, and begin to use them. For the sake of such people, we work, for them we are looking for new forms. To be always ahead, ahead of the time, so that those who come after us can use the achievements of our civilization and touch their unique capabilities.
We will touch such opportunities too!
Our team consists of artists, graphic artists, programmers. People living in different countries, speaking different languages, but united by one idea - the idea of development and interaction of all types and forms in the Universe.